
What Goes into the Process of Creating Explainer Videos for Branding?

Explainer videos are one type of digital marketing media that has gained a lot of traction in recent years. They are usually short animated videos that explain a product or service to the audience. They are very popular with both audiences and marketers due to the many benefits they offer.

Agencies like https://www.picstory.com.au/ go through every video-creation step meticulously so that it will make a meaningful impact on your brand.

Concept Conception

The agency will need you to explain what you require of them. Your marketing strategy must be laid bare in their midst so that they can get a clear picture of the task ahead. The agency will devise a concept based on those requirements to the best extent possible.

You will be involved during this stage as they’ll need to consult you over every detail. You might have to fill out a creative brief, a questionnaire that’ll demonstrate crucial aspects of your marketing strategy. A brainstorming session afterwards will yield the draft concept to be worked on.


This step generates the message. A strong script is characterized by easy-going but concise language, sticking to the point, and a robust call-to-action. The final one determines the ROI of your efforts.

Any fresh perspective helps improve the creative value of this production stage. Revisions are continuously made to the draft version until they result in a satisfactory one. The script must revolve around its audience.


This stage brings forth the first visuals of the story. It involves graphic artists creating sketches of the characters and environmental elements of the video. You’ll get a frame-by-frame view of it all. The designers use sketches so that incorporating your feedback and making associated amendments becomes easy.

Overall Style

Each business is different; its story will have to be told in its unique way. There can’t be an overlap between the style used for a previous video, and the one used here. Your explainer video should have the vibe of your brand blended into it.

Agencies create style-frames from the ground up for each video. A style-frame contains the entire colour range used in the video within a single frame. It will let you gauge the overall aesthetic of the final result. Other elements, like text, background, icons, characters, etc., can also be found.

Voice Over

Often, these videos contain a narrative voiceover doing the actual explaining. The characters also need to have their voice to make them more than mute participants.

Voice actors suitable for the job are hired, and they read out the prepared script. These lines mix with the video at a later stage.


The biggest and the toughest of creative stages is animation. It is now that everything starts to move in the video. It takes about 2-3 weeks to get done because caution is needed for every detail like frame transitioning.

Different techniques are used to create the videos according to the requirement. The best animation alone will connect with the audience the most.

Sound Mixing

Voice and animation alone just won’t cut it. True immersion happens when the audience hears every sound in the video’s environment. It brings the whole thing to life and connects with the audience better.

You will have your unique explainer video after all these processes. Your brand image will soar once the audience enjoys the fruits of your and the agency’s labour.

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