
Increase Your Productivity With A Travel Journal

The smartphone is indispensable in our daily lives. And certainly also offers a lot of conveniences. Email, your calendar, google with all the answers to every question, it’s all within the reach of a few swipes. Dozens of productivity apps are available to make your life even easier. And yet… digital tools miss something compared to old-fashioned paper. Quickly make a note or sketch, that is easier on paper. And writing down your notes alone is a better guarantee for understanding and remembering than typing. So maybe we should not completely write off the paper. But yes … an agenda, and a notebook, and a sketchbook … that is too much of a good thing. Except if it could all be in one. And that is exactly the convenience of a travel journal.

What is a travel journal?

The original idea of ​​a travel journal or leather notebook is to have everything at hand for on the road. Flexible, and adaptable to your wishes. A travel journal is not only refillable, but it can also contain several booklets. Some refillable notebooks contain a whole block. Organizers with ring binders contain separate pages. A travel journal contains 1 or thinner booklets, which are usually held in place with an elastic band.

How to Increase Your Productivity With A Travel Journal

The advantages are countless: you can now easily replace one booklet with another, but leave the rest behind. You can also easily combine different types of booklets: lined paper, blank, dotted, diamond. Or an agenda. This way you can easily combine multiple functions with each other: a diary booklet for your appointments, a blank booklet for your sketches, a dot grid or lined booklet for notes, etc.

Bullet Journal

Some travel journals even have booklets with lined pages. Very handy if you want to design your bullet journal as part of your travel journal. A bullet journal is a kind of combination of agenda, planner, to-do list, and diary, which you organize yourself. So you are not bound by the fixed format that an organizer of, for example, Filofax offers you, but your design and make your own layout on blank or dot grid paper.

A bullet journal may not be for everyone. Personally, I can’t afford the patience and time to make the entire layout myself. It takes quite some time to make every page completely from scratch. But for others, it, therefore, works perfectly. It is a kind of productivity and mindfulness tool in one. For these people, making every page entirely to your own personal taste is part of the fun.

Fortunately, you do not have to do everything yourself and there are lots of handy accessories in the form of stickers, stamps, washi tape and more available, with which you can not only apply all kinds of decorations but also, for example, symbols that can be placed on todo’s according to the type to point out.

For example, we have special washi tape in our assortment with data, times and to do checkboxes where you can quickly create an effective layout without having to draw everything.

Of course, you don’t have to make a bullet journal of your travel notebook to gain productivity. The ease and speed of changing booklets, and the flexibility to combine different types of booklets alone, make the travel journal a fully-fledged alternative to the traditional ring binder organizer that has dominated the business segment until now. And you can increase the convenience even further with all kinds of accessories.

Useful accessories

For travel journals, there are often all sorts of useful accessories available that make your life even easier. There are also numerous accessories with which you can personalize your notebook and adjust it to your personal style. Leather is already a product that in appearance (weathering, discoloration, scratches) adapts to your use, so why not adjust your notebook even further to your style?

Consider, for example, plastic insert covers with which you can also store loose paper, tickets, photos, museum tickets and more in your travel journal. Or a handy storage box for your refill booklets if they are full but you still want to keep them. All kinds of bookmarks and reading ribbons are a valuable addition to your travel journal. Or what about a pen loop so that you also have your favorite pen to hand.

You can also personalize your journal by choosing a different color elastic. Or other color reading ribbon. There are also charms available with which you can further adjust the book to your taste. 

But the ultimate form of personalization is to have the travel journal provided with your initials or name. Or a logo for companies.

Originally, travel notebooks are therefore intended for travelers, as a handy all-in-one tool for traveling. But that flexibility makes it ideally suited for all applications where productivity and organization are important. A travel journal is therefore certainly suitable for business applications.

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